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Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and the wider St. Joseph’s Primary School Community,
Pentecost is full of contrasts. The fearful disciples in the upper room, gathered in one place, yet each grappling alone with their doubts and fears.
“Suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them.”
These powerful signs of the Spirit both encourages the disciples to make a life giving choice and compels them to go into the unknown.
Like the disciples Catholics are called to embrace the same contrast of empowerment and surrender in the midst of our lives.
We congratulate the children who celebrated Confirmation last week and thank their parents and teachers for their preparation.
Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Happy Birthday to children celebrating their birthday this week.
Jackson Crowe, Jimmy Edis, Callum Eggins, Ziggy Miller, Spencer Kenna, Henry Saker, Ivy Sobey, Cooper McDonald, Miranda McDowell, Lily Stewart, Kiara Subasinghe and Mia Toohey.
On Monday 20th May, 12 Year 6 students along with other primary schools went to the Eisteddfod at St Pius to recite their poems. We had we all practiced presenting using eye contact and speaking with expression to proudly represent our school. We worked in pairs and when we were called up to the stage we were extremely nervous to present the poems but gained in confidence once we’d started and ended up really enjoying our time on stage.
The presentations were really entertaining from all schools. After all the presentations the adjudicator judged who won and came 2nd and 3rd and an Honorable Mention. Luckily St Joseph’s students, Blair MacDougall and Billy Main came in 1st place with Archer Koch and Oscar Saywell in 2nd place. We then all departed from St Pius and went back to school to celebrate our victory.
Blair MacDougall and Archer Koch

Monday 27th May, 2024
A - L Family photos (8:00am - 9:00am)
Individual and Class photos for Foundation to Year 2 (9:00am onwards)
Tuesday 28th May, 2024
M - Z Family photos (8:00am - 9:00am)
Individual and Class photos for Years 3 to 6 (9:00am onwards)
Uniform - What to wear
- School logoed blue polo (Not House Coloured Sports Shift)
- Navy School jumper
- Choice of sports shorts/trackpants, grey shorts/pants, navy pants, tunic or skort
- Choice of black shoes or runners
- Choice of white or grey socks (no logos)
- No Summer Dresses
- No Sports polos
- No jackets or vests
- A small supply of spare blue polos and jumpers will be available on the day for children who do not have one.
Year 6 students
We ask Year 6 students to wear their new Year 6 polo, those that have them, and for those that don't to wear their normal pale blue polo.
Hair longer than collar length for all students must be tied back as per school uniform policy.
A navy blue or white hair band/clip/ribbons may be worn.
Queries regarding uniform and school organisation
Contact the school office if you have any queries regarding the uniform requirements and organisational aspects of school photo day.
All students have their photo taken
All students will have their individual photo taken on the day regardless of whether an order has been placed.
Class Photos
Class Photos are taken in the traditional format with all children present on the day included in the photo.
Family Photos
Family photos are taken prior to school commencing, between 8:00am - 9:00am.
- Children go straight to the hall foyer
- Leave bags in Foyer
- Line up for photos in order of arrival
- Children then return to the playground until their classroom doors are open at 8:40am
Family Photo orders
- Family photos do not require pre-payment.
- These photos will be taken of any family that turns up to a 'Family photo session'.
- Each child will receive a 'How to order family photos' card with an access code for their private gallery. The school will also receive a list of these codes to have on file for parents who don't know the code.
- The gallery will be available to view by Friday 31st May. Families can then purchase a family photo from the gallery.
Order of Classrooms on Photo Days
The order of photos will be starting from Foundation to Year 2 on the Monday and Years 3 to 6 on the Tuesday.
Unwell Children
If your child is unwell please keep them at home.
School Photo Ordering Information
Questions regarding Photo Packages and Ordering
Please contact Glen Watson Photography if you have any queries regarding the purchasing of photos and photo packages.
Online Enrolment
Online enrolments are now available and can be completed and submitted electronically.
For this process go to our school website and select the Enrolment tab. Complete the Enrolment Enquiry to add your details for reminders and updates.
Under the Enrolment Tab you will also notice an Online Enrolment Form - select this and away you go. A tip with this one is do not use a phone or ipad to complete the form, any laptop or desktop computer will work fine.
You will also need to make sure you have your child's documentation (birth, immunisation, baptism certificates and any specialist reports) loaded onto your device, either by taking a photo or scanning and uploading as you will be able to upload all of that as well.
8:30am - 9:00am on Thursday 13th June and Friday 14th June
We are opening our School Uniform Shop on these two mornings for anyone that would like to come in and look through the stock we have available and try items on if needed. Tanya will be available to help you.
Both Cash and Eftpos will be available for all purchases made at the time.
Items for second hand sale can be dropped into the school office at any time of the year.
Uniform items MUST be:
- current "Lowes" brand uniform items only
- very good to excellent quality
- washed and free of stains
- have any naming labels crossed out
- labelled with either the printable Pricing Label template or similar.
Items that are NOT suitable are:
- school bags more than 2 years old
- library/book bags
- stained or torn clothing
- non-current school uniform
- sports shorts without the school logo
- shoes
- secondary school uniform items.
Unsuitable items will be returned to the seller/donator.
Pricing of Uniform Items
Price uniform items accordingly and receive 70% of the amount (when the item is sold) with 30% of your sale going to the school’s PSA.
Items are kept in the second hand uniform shop until they are sold. We will notify via text of any monies to be collected, this may be after a family has left the school.
Alternatively you can donate items to be sold. We will label and price donated items. 100% of these sales go to the school's PSA.
Refer to suggested pricing guide linked below.
Purchasing of Uniform Items
Parents are able to complete an online form indicating the uniform item and size required and it will then be sent home with your child or made available for collection.
Payment to be made in cash the following day. Items can be returned if they aren't the correct size or quality.