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Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and the wider St. Joseph’s Primary School Community,
A great deal has changed in our understanding of how people learn since I did my undergraduate degree. Most of these changes are a result of the studies into how the brain functions and changes during the learning process. Concepts such as: cognitive load theory, attention, engagement, long term and short term memory and retrieval are all a part of this research that contributes to teachers' understanding of how children learn. From here our teachers learn strategies and systems that best support children's learning based on the research. In short, teachers are charged with the responsibility of adapting children's brains.
This concept is well described by Peps Mcrae as the Teacher Expertise Paradox
First up, brain surgeons: we appreciate and respect you. You are enormously skilled and save lives every day—this is not a dis. It's just that ... you are tasked with:
- Restructuring parts of the brain that you can see …
- On only one patient at a time…
- With sophisticated tools and a multi-person support team constantly by your side.
By contrast, teachers are tasked with:
- Restructuring something invisible (student knowledge)…
- On tens of people at a time, each with a different starting point, and some who don't even want to be there…
And all this happens in an environment of time pressure, high stakes and minimal realtime human support. In short, teaching is orders of magnitude harder than brain surgery.
The best teachers make what they do look effortless and natural. But it's not. Not even close. Teaching is one of the most fiendishly complex tasks ever devised. This is the 'teacher expertise paradox'.
Job Vacancy- Parish Secretary
Our Parish Secretary for the past 13 years, Leanne McElgunn, has advised of her intending retirement on Friday 24th November.
This position will need to be filled and the Parish seeks interest from either experienced and/or qualified individuals. Interested individuals may call into the Parish office at St. Joseph’s Warrnambool to collect a role description or call 5562 2231 for further information.
This is a role of about 32 hours per week (9:00am – 4:00pm) with award wages but this could be negotiable.
There is also a part-time administrative position as well. The work load has increased for our administrative staff due to our larger Parish. The latter position would be a 0.4 or 0.5 position. Regards, Fr John Fitzgerald.
Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Happy Birthday to children celebrating their birthday during this week.
Maya Molan, Estella Roberts, Esther Baulch, Finn Davis, Georgia Finneran, Gracie O'Grady, Van Myroniuk, Jenson Riordan, Bodhi Rudolph, Spencer Sarra, Eva Smedts and Akarsan Paramanantham.
Provisional Psychologist Pilot
A new pilot with Federation University, supported by the Victorian Government
Providing a direct, free of charge, link to a provisional psychologist, without needing to see your GP for a mental health care plan.
Provisional psychologists are students in their 5th and 6th years of study, who are gaining their final experience before registration. All provisional psychologists complete regular sessions with board approved supervisors.
This service is for children, adolescents and adults who are noticing signs that they may not be functioning at their best, as a method of early intervention. If you have a diagnosed mental illness please speak to your GP about what would be the best service for you.
This pilot is for people in rural and regional Victoria only.
Book Club - Issue #7
All households should have received the latest Book Club magazine last week. There are some new QR codes used throughout the brochure that can help give your children more insight into the book before they might choose to purchase it! These Book Club orders need to be completed by Monday 23rd October. The perfect opportunity to start your Christmas shopping while supporting our School Library at the same time!
Do you have a Book Worm living in your home?
Here is a link to a fantastic online Book Club community that might be a great chance to extend your own little Book Worms in the comfort of home!
Premier’s Reading Challenge - Assembly presentation
We would like to congratulate all the students who participated in this year’s Challenge and present them with a certificate at next week’s Assembly. There will be some additional prizes awarded to some of the lucky winners too! All parents are welcome to attend.
Library Monitors - Year 5 students only!
We will be seeking responsible, mature and great leaders in literature to fulfil the role of ‘Library Monitor’ this term as they transition towards Year 6, our current Monitors will commence training these students. A role description will come to classrooms this week! We encourage all Year 5 students to consider this great opportunity within our school.
As always, I am grateful for the support of this school community and of our School Library. The role of the Librarian is fast becoming a dying breed and I encourage you to read the following article to feel a sense of pride in all that you have done to help maintain our library at St Joseph’s Primary School.
Mrs Emily Lloyd
LRC co-ordinator
Last Wednesday our boys and girls cricket teams competed at the District Cricket competition held at the Mack Oval here in Warrnambool. Both teams had a fantastic day, seeing them both finish on top of their respective ladders, earning them a spot at the Division Cricket competition on Friday 3rd November in Hamilton. Well done to all involved.
On Friday, our athletics team competed at the Regional finals held at Llamberris Park in Ballarat. Making it to this level is a huge achievement in itself, let alone to compete as well as our students did. I was so impressed by the level of sportsmanship that all of our students displayed, a real credit to them all. Well done to everyone who took part in the day. An extra special congratulations to Noah Anderson and Milla Rentsch who have qualified for State Athletics, well done!
Closing: Wednesday 11th October, 2023
The PSA will be running their annual fundraiser to raise additional funds for the Art Department.
This year your child's artwork will be available as keyring or magnet.
Orders are now open via CDFPay at a cost of $13.50 and close at 3pm on Wednesday 11th October, 2023.
Orders will be delivered in plenty of time to use these items as Christmas presents.
Note: Our Art teachers will endevour to ensure your child has completed the necessary artwork. However, if your child has been absent for an extended period of time for holidays or sickness they may not have completed their artwork.
The PSA (Primary School Association) is a forum for all parents to become involved in the life of the School. It’s where we work to provide, improve and maintain the amenities available for the school students, including equipment and maintenance of School Buildings and grounds.
To provide opportunities for social meetings between parents, and promote a spirit of union and good fellowship. The PSA runs and supports several events throughout the year to raise money for the school and to support our school community.
Who can attend? Anyone and everyone, meetings are held at the school in Room C19 or the staffroom.
Next meeting date: Tuesday 17th October. Meetings commence at 7:30pm.
How can I help? Come along to the meetings, contribute to the discussion, share ideas, support events that enrich the school community.
We really need our school families to support this group. It’s only 8 meetings per year! Hope to see you there, better still bring a friend!
This year we will celebrate Grandparents Day at St Joseph's
on the morning of Thursday 19th October.
9:30am - 10:30am
Classroom Visits
10:30am - 12:00pm
Morning tea in the Hall
Choir Performance
- Let your visiting Grandparent know which Room Numbers to visit.
- There is no need to RSVP.
- Morning tea provided for Grandparents (children not present at morning tea)
- Parking available in staff carkpark and school oval (enter via staff carpark).
If the classroom isn't in their room they will be at a specialist class. Look for the note on the whiteboard in the classroom, eg F4 students are in an art lesson in E6.
5:30pm, Friday 20th October at St Joseph’s Church
Many people bring their pets to church to be blessed on or around the feast of St Francis of Assisi (4th October). St Francis had a beautiful rapport with animals and he expressed his love for them in his Canticle of Creatures.
If you are unable to join us on, you can always pray for and bless your pets and animals at home. A verbal blessing, with or without a sprinkling of holy water, can be offered in your backyard, garden or anywhere inside your home.
The following Pet Blessing can be used:
Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air, and animals on the land. You inspired St Francis to identify them as our brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless this pet, N. By the power of your love, enable him/her to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.
Students from our 'Friendship School,' Doshisha Elementary School in Kyoto, Japan, will be visiting Warrnambool in March, 2024.
We would like an indication of how many St. Joseph's families may be interested in hosting two students at their home when they visit.
This would be for four nights from 24th March to 28th March, 2024.
Adults are required to have a current Working with Children Check, please ensure that the school office has been provided with a copy of this.
If you are interested, please fill in the attached form.
School Canteen Support
Term 4 Roster - Can you Help?
There are lots of gaps on our Term 4 Canteen Roster. Can you help? Training provided.