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Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and the wider St. Joseph’s Primary School Community,
School Camps
As I write this the rain is teeming down outside and even though we are in November my phone tells me that it is only 8 degrees. And, our Year 4s are on camp in Roses Gap! Last week our Year 6 children returned from three days in Melbourne and last term our Year 3s enjoyed a night at Kangaroobie and the Year 5s enjoyed three days in Ballarat.
Overnight camps are an important learning experience for all children. They help develop positive relationships with the environment, others and ourselves through interaction with the natural world. Camps engage students in practical and active learning experiences in varied environments and settings typically beyond the school classroom. In these environments, students are moved out of their normal routine and challenged in different ways. For some it is the giant swing, bush walk or high ropes. For others it is spending a night away from home. For some others it is organising and being responsible for clothes and toiletries. I am sure that our Year 4s are being challenged by staying dry and warm.
Yesterday morning I was listening to two boys chatting about the upcoming camp. Surprisingly, the thing they were looking forward to the most was setting up their cabin. With all of the exciting activities on offer creating their own space, with their mates, was something to look forward to. Similarly, many of the Year 6 children rated walking down Birrarung Maar and playing on the playground there as the best activity of their camp. These were good reminders to me that children value unstructured activities where they can make decisions with their friends.
Finally, I am grateful to all of our staff and parent volunteers who have given so generously to enable our camps program to run safely and efficiently.
This week we pass our condolences to the Van Rooy family in the wake of Peter Van Rooy’s death. Peter is the father of Karl, father in law to Katie and grandfather of Hugo and Ned. Peter was instrumental in moving St Joseph’s from Lava Street to our current location on Botanic Road. Such was his commitment that our multipurpose room was named after him as the Van Rooy Room. We are grateful for his energy and foresight.
Rapid Antigen Tests
Staff and students should only be tested with a RAT kit when symptomatic or when testing daily as a close contact over the 7 day quarantine period. RAT will be available from the school upon request until the end of Term 4. We have a large supply of RATs that we will be unable to use after the summer break so please feel free to acquire some. These can be collected from the office or ordered via CDFPay and are sent home with your child.
School Advisory Council
New members needed for 2023-2024
I encourage all parents to consider joining the School Advisory Council in 2023 & 24.
This group provides an opportunity to be involved in the life of your child’s school through engagement in school policies, finances, teaching and learning and Catholic School Culture. If you are curious I would love to talk to you about the role.
The School Advisory Council meets once per term, usually in week 5.
Our current Chairperson is Mr Peter Furphy, our Deputy chairperson is Mrs Donna Monaghan. They are joined by Mr Chris McGrath, Mrs Melissa Happ, Mr Joel Saywell. Liz Noonan is our staff representative.
At the end of this school year 3 of these members will finish their tenure of 4 years and we are seeking expressions of interest from our parent community to fill these vacancies to commence in 2023.
If you are interested in joining the School Advisory Council please email Cathy Duynhoven on stating your current role and interests, and what you believe you could bring to this committee. If you have any questions and would like to discuss this first you may call either Cathy or Matt O’Brien for an informal chat first.
Mrs Liz Noonan (staff representative)
I am a country girl who grew up in the beautiful town of Koroit. In 1994 I married my best friend Matty and we built a house in Warrnambool.
In 1992 I completed my teaching degree here in Warrnambool at Deakin University. The following year I completed a Graduate Diploma in Literacy. I spent the next 5 years at St Patrick's in Koroit and St Thomas in Terang prior to having our first child Lilly in 1998. I took parental leave for 2 years and then returned to part-time work at St Pius X in West Warrnambool. In 2002 we welcomed twin boys (non-identical) Thomas and Oliver into our family. I took 6 years of family leave and returned to work when the boys started Prep.
This is now my 14th year at St Joseph's school and I absolutely love it and am very proud to say I work here. I have taught at many schools in all different forms as a; Replacement Teacher, Specialist (in drama and Physical Education), and in part-time and full-time positions, and I believe St Joseph's to be the best school. I admire how committed everyone is to the school and the well-being of the students. I enjoy coming to school to see the smiling faces of the students and love watching them achieve great things.
I am currently teaching Year 3 and enjoy watching my students grow in confidence as they transition from Junior school to Middle school. I am a firm but fair teacher and enjoy making learning fun. Please say 'hello' next time you see me!
Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Happy Birthday to children celebrating their birthday this week.
Edie Batt, Indiana Smedts, Angus Smith, Archie Heffernan, Matilda Houston, Stuart Thring, Charlie Matthews, Ashlea Ward, Imogen Ward and Mac Cooknell.
Grade 6 Basketball
Last week our Year 6 Boys and Girls basketball teams travelled from their Melbourne camp to Colac to compete at Regional Basketball. Both teams played five games each and were strong enough to win all their games, earning them a place at the State Championships on Monday 14th November (boys) and Tuesday 15th November (girls) at MSAC in Melbourne. Well done to both teams.
Our mixed basketball team was also strong enough to qualify for the Regional final being played in Werribee on Friday 11th November. Well done to all involved and good luck.

Girls Cricket
Our girls cricket team was due to compete at the Regional championships this Friday 4th November. However due to the grounds not being playable in Hamilton, the day has been postponed to a date not yet decided. Good luck to the girls, whenever you get to play.
Grade 4 Basketball
Congratulations to our grade 4 Boys and Girls basketball teams who have both qualified for the state finals in Dandenong on Monday 21st November.
Pizza Day: Wednesday 16th November, 2022
Orders Close: 3pm Monday 14th November, 2022
Once per term the PSA run a Pizza Day as a "special occasion" lunch option and to raise money for the PSA.
Children can choose from either Garlic or Hawaiian pizza (Gluten Free options available) which are provided by Pinkie’s Pizza who are one of our major school sponsors.
Orders are now open via CDFPay (Canteen ordering system)
There are no canteen orders on Pizza Days and children not wanting to order pizza should bring their lunch from home.
Sorry, no late orders can be accepted.
We are looking for volunteers to help out on Saturday 26th November for our Election Day BBQ - cooking and selling split over three shifts
Shift 1 - 8:00am to 10:00pm (set up, cook and sell) FULL
Shift 2 - 10:00am - 12:00pm (cook and sell) FULL
Shift 3 - 12.00pm to 2:00pm (cook, sell and pack up) HELPERS NEEDED URGENTLY
We are also looking for people to cook cakes/muffins/slice etc to sell.
A cake box will be sent home with the eldest child in your family. Extra boxes available at the office or by completing the form below. Items can be dropped off at school on Friday 25th November.
Please complete the form below to indicate which shift/s you are available for or to request extra boxes be sent home.
Please arrive at your nominated time and bring an apron with you.