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School concludes at 2:30pm, Friday 8th April, 2022
Note the early finish time of school this Friday for all students.
Country buses run to an earlier timetable.
Students who use the town bus system should check the timetable for the route that they use.
Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and the wider St. Joseph’s Primary School Community,
A prayer for the Year Six students who celebrated Reconciliation last week.
God who forgives us,
God whose forgiveness leads us back into relationship:
with the grace we have received from you.
Let us work to mend what forgiveness makes possible.
May we stress not a desire to be proved right,
but a desire to make things right.
Happy Easter and Happy Holidays
I hope that everyone enjoys a well-earned break.
I would like to congratulate our children on a wonderful term remembering that for many older students this has been their first full face-to-face term for two years. The children have overcome regular Rapid Antigen Tests, mask wearing and extended time off as positive cases or household contacts to remain joyful and positive. Thanks to all of our families who have negotiated the protocols to help keep our school open and safe.
Staffing Updates
Pat Allen is on Long Service Leave for Week 1, 2 and 3 next term. Catherine Lee will replace Pat as Assistant Principal Daily Organisation. Nell Mitchell will replace Catherine in F4 during this time.
Melanie Alexander returns to B1 in Term 2. Many thanks to Louis O’Connor for stepping in for Melanie this term and to Elise Smock who has been very flexible in doing extra days to maintain consistency for the B1 class.
Fire Day 2022

Thanks to the Warrnambool Fire for their support for our fundraiser last Friday.
Our final total was $2,226 which will be sent to the Cottee family this week. Thanks to everyone for their generosity and support.
Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Happy Birthday to children celebrating their birthday this week.
Luca Dwyer, Milla Riordan, Hayley Astbury, Will Molan, Maya Duynhoven, Daniel Jiang and Sophie Thornton.
On Monday 4th April, a group of Year Six St Joseph’s girls went on an excursion to Deakin University for their first session in the GALS; (Girls as Leaders in STEM) program.
G.A.L.S is a program in which selected students in Years 5-8 from a variety of schools, will participate in fun and hands-on experiments and lessons. From this, they will work together in a small group to work through current problems in our world, country or school community that may need a new solution.
The experience was educational and entertaining for the students and they hope to do fun and interesting projects together.
We will be working on our chosen project over next term, and aim to keep you informed of our progress through this Newsletter!
Written by Sophie Ierodiaconou, Year 6 Student
On Friday 18th March, 60 children from Years 3 - 6 sat the KSF Maths Competition. This is approximately 15 children per year level.
What is the KSF? In 1991, two French teachers inspired by the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) decided to start a similar online competition in France. They called it the ‘Kangaroo’ to pay tribute to their Australian friends.
The competition was a big hit and has since been adopted around the world. It is now known as Kangourou sans Frontières: (Kangaroo without borders). It has grown to become one of the largest international mathematics competitions in the world, with more than 6 million participants annually.
In Australia, Kangourou sans Frontières (KSF) is an online only, multiple-choice competition for years 3–12, and may only be entered by schools also competing in the Australian Mathematics Competition.
The children did really well. We had 3 children who received a Distinction, 17 who received a Credit and the rest gained Participation certificates. It was wonderful to see all of the children having a go and trying to work out some very difficult problems. I would like to congratulate all of them for giving it a go. Well done.
Congratulations to the following children:.
Year 3
Lewis Austin, Jaxson Byron, Maxwell Cashmore, Ella Down, Harlem Field, Dia Jagad, Chelsea Kao, Pia Morrissey, Nina O’Kane, Sophie Parker, Reeve Shields, Archie Stewart, Alfie Woonton.
Year 4
Isaac Brown, Cole Burleigh, Sibella Evans, Rhiana Gibbons Ava Gleeson Templeton, Logan Hunter, Zoe Ierodiaconou, Spencer Kenna, Billy Main, Cooper McCosh, Stella Monigatti, Doris Pham, Remy Roberts, Oscar Saywell, Mia Toohey, Paddy Ward,
Year 5
Lucinda Bishop, Lenny Buckle, Sam Collins, Stanley Coverdale, Francesca Di Cesare, Brody Dubyna, Nicholas English, Henry Lloyd, Aaron Lougheed, Ollie Marris, Mason Marshall, Daisy Martin, Myeisha Morden, Patrick Ralston, Yasassri Sumanapala, Chloe Vu.
Year 6
Sienna Addinsall, Manan Agrawal, Sam Bushell, Sienna Byron, Cody Crooks, Maya Furphy, Jack Gibson, Lucy Howland, Sophie Ierodiaconou, Rielle Murfett, Jameson Nelson, Lucas Rouse, James Wearne, Charlotte Wythe.

On Tuesday 29th March the Year 1 students experienced "Extended Day". The students were very excited all day and couldn't wait to participate in the activities. First the students got to have a delicious fruit platter snack with their class. Next all the students had a fun play on the Junior playground before heading to their 1st rotation. Each group of students moved around to the different rotations which were: Zuma Dance Party, Team Building Activities and Easter Colouring.
The students really enjoyed themselves and made many new friendships.

District Athletics
On the 31st March, our District Athletics team travelled to Brauerander park for the District Athletics. Students did a fantastic job, with many progressing onto the next stage of Division Athletics. Well done to all that participated. Also, thanks to Michelle Nicolson and Zoe Ritchie for helping out on the day.

Junior Sports
We are eagerly looking forward to our Junior Sports day this Thursday 7th April. We are particularly looking forward to welcoming families onto our school grounds in what we hope will be a memorable day for all involved. See you all then!
Matt McMillan
Have you entered our current Library Competition? You just need to catch someone in your family reading and snap a photo of it, then, with their permission, attach the photo to an email to us before the end of term! You will be in the running for a prize, plus the photo will be added to our current Library display of other readers in strange locations!
Did you know?
One of Australia’s best Author/Illustrators was in town last weekend? Anna Walker has a current exhibition at the Warrnambool Art Gallery that shows off her amazing Storytelling boxes! So if you loved the books “Mr Huff’, ‘Hello Jimmy’ and ‘Florette’, then you’ll love her work on display too! Don’t miss out!
Book Covering
Our Library team are so grateful to parents like Karen Benson and Jasmine Koch for helping us cover many of our new books that are now ready to be borrowed from the Library! If you are happy to either cover books on-site next term, or you’d prefer to take the materials home with you - then please email us! We’ve always got new books that need covering!
Donated Books
Have you got some series of fiction books that your children have grown out of and have finished reading? Is your teenager finished with their beloved Dinosaur fact books? We happily accept donations of quality, used books that can be processed and borrowed by our students. We’re often trying to find that missing book from a series that can now be difficult to find and buy! We can’t accept toddler board books or pre-school books, or books that we already have multiple copies of, but we also love any child-appropriate magazines about fishing, sport or crafting! Please contact us if you wish to donate any of these items to our LRC!
LRC Team - Mrs Lyn Hyland and Mrs Emily Lloyd
The Wild Robot - Book Report
Hello, I am Blake Hughson. I am a Year 6 student in E2. I have just finished the book ‘The Wild Robot’. It is the first book in its series.
This series is about a curious robot ‘Roz’ who was going to be sent somewhere in a big ship, but the ship crashes and she ends up on a small rocky island filled with strange animals. She tries to fit in with the curious wild animals but she has no luck until she finds a small goose egg … you will have to read the book to find out more!
I recommend this book for Year 3-6 students. It is full of curiosity and wonder but it is still action-packed. There are 2 books in the series including ‘The Wild Robot Escapes’. I rate this book a 9/10, I have liked nearly all of the chapters. I recommend this book to family and friends. If you ever find this book, pull up a chair and get reading.
Blake Hughson, Student
Our specialist staff include Yuichi Deguchi, Cara Chisholm, Lyn Hyland, Matthew McMillan, Diane Brown, Emily Lloyd and Jo Barfus McCoy.
Introducing Lyn Hyland
During my time at St. Joseph’s I have worked in many positions - as a CRT, Drama, classroom teacher in the Junior and Middle areas, then eventually in the Library.
I have found this to be my perfect spot as I take Digital Technology/Library/LRC lessons.
Being able to help provide resources for the Teachers and excellent reading material for the students is a dream job!
There will be no choir this Thursday 7th April, 2022. We look forward to seeing our Choir children back practising in Term 2.
A message from Fr John Fitzgerald
Year 3 children who have been baptised will have the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in Term 2.
If you desire and are ready to support your child in his/her faith please complete the Registration Form. Parents should not feel pressured to enrol their child just because they are in Year 3. The celebration of Confirmation is a celebration of faith and needs to be seen in the context of Church and not merely as part of the school curriculum, even though the faith of the child is very much supported by the school.
Registration is available online as well as nomination for preferred family group meeting times. Payment for the program ($25.00) materials etc can be completed via CDFpay.
This is a Parish run program supported by the school.
Key Dates
3:00pm, Thursday 5th May, 2022 |
Closing date to complete the registration form and payment. |
7:00 pm, Tuesday 10th May, 2022 |
Student and Parent Meeting at St Joseph’s Parish Contact the Parish on 5562 2231 if you are unable to attend this meeting. |
7:00 pm, Thursday 2nd June, 2022 |
Confirmation Sacrament |
7:00 pm, Friday 3rd June, 2022 |
11:00 am, Saturday 4th June, 2022 |
We now invite all CURRENT families only to login via our school website, to complete the enrolment form for any 2023 Foundation children.
Enrolments for all other families will open on Monday 16th May, 2022.
As Mothers Day will come around very quickly after the holidays, we have opened up the online shop (via CDFpay) for children and fathers to start placing orders for their Mothers Day gift. Each gift is $5 and students will get to personally select their own gift.
The "shop" will operate on Monday 2nd May, which means all orders need to be placed by 9:00am on that date. As this gift purchase is optional for each family, if an order has not been placed, students will not be able to select a gift on the day; any leftover gifts will be available for purchase the following day if children would like to purchase a second gift for another important person in their life.
Congratulations to Joel King and Ollie Harris who got to meet some of their AFL football heros recently.

Mothers Day Wrappers Required
This year the PSA would like to invite any dads that would like to come along to assist with the wrapping of the Mother's Day Gifts at 6pm-7pm on Tuesday 5th April, 2022.
Contact the office if you are able to assist.
School Canteen Support
Tickets to everyone's favourite Easter Raffle are now being sold in the foyer at the school.
$1 per ticket. Children can purchase tickets before and after school.
Raffle Drawn: Friday 8th April, 2022.
NAPLAN Results
Year 3 and Year 5 NAPLAN results can be accessed via your child's profile in PAM. Select your child and then select NAPLAN from the menu. The format is raw data (which you can screenshot) and will look different to the results that were mailed to parents.
Contact Emmanuel if you require any assistance with your enrolment.