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Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and the wider St. Joseph’s Primary School Community,
God in our courage, God in our caution:
On this beautiful day may we greet each other as companions on a shared journey.
We acknowledge what we and others have carried:
gratitude and sadness,
excitement and anxiety;
private struggles and collective hopes.
As we take this next step forward,
may we do so in the knowledge that we do not walk alone.
First Eucharist Celebrations
After a couple of postponements our First Eucharist celebrations are able to take place this Thursday and Friday evening and Saturday morning. We congratulate these candidates and keep them in our prayers this week.
Percy Pappin, Audrey Russell, Ethan Alexander, Nicholas English, Xavier Smith, Alexia O'Grady, Poppy O'Brien, Curtis Chard, Archie Shiells, Finn Davis, Charlie Lloyd, Levi Ciurleo, Evie Cooper, Atticus Delaney, Buddy MacDonald, Oliver Marris, Violet McKinley, Elli Ludeman, Blair Roberts, Henry Lloyd, Luca Dwyer, Charlie Zanos, Francesca Di Cesare, Anna Robson, Anna Robson, Baxter Maddern, Jenson Riordan, Sam Collins, Amelia Roache, Aila Kamath, Archie Heffernan, Lachie Cannon, Cooper Davies, Charlie Milroy, Matthew Bennie, Pippa Main, Harvey Bean, Hamish O'Kane, Daisy Martin, Sienna Johnson, Amelia Austin, Lachie Cannon, Lily Harris, Ebony Green, Halaynah Beaver, Aaron Lougheed, Leilani Baulch and Patrick Ralston.
Last Friday saw the return of the full school assemblies. We were well led by Mr Gercovich and the students from F7. The focus was on their learning throughout the year. The presentation included a Geography quiz, facts about different countries and a sport report.
Year 6 House Cup
In lieu of many missed inter-school sporting competitions Mrs Lloyd and Mr McMillan have begun our Year 6 Optional House Cup! Each Monday and some Fridays they are offering the Year 6 students the opportunity to play some competitive sport to earn their House Colour some points, working towards an overall winner to be announced at one of the final assemblies.
This initiative has been met with great enthusiasm by the Year 6 students and promises to be a lot of fun.
Tom Sexton Visit
Last Friday Mr Tom Sexton, Executive Director Catholic Education Ballarat visited our school. Tom’s visit had been postponed from earlier in the year and was primarily focussed on our review and its recommendations. Tom toured our school, met with staff and some students. Although impressed by our beautiful grounds and facilities Tom understood the need for us to continue to develop our buildings to cater for our growing student population and the needs of contemporary learning.
2022 Foundation Transition
We will be greeting the happy little faces of next year’s Foundation students over the next few weeks. These children will begin their transition process as a way of becoming more familiar with our teachers, the classrooms and our playground. We will have 92 Foundation students joining us next year.
Matthew O'Brien, Principal
Happy Birthday to children celebrating their birthday this week.
Roisin Hansford, Harvey Bean, Isabelle Farrer, Cooper Davies, Ted Ward, Max Cashmore, William Newton, Oliver Rae, Jake Conheady, Eva Pinny, Robert Ambrose, Archie Edis, Nellie Edis, Mason Marshall and Sonny Mehmi.
The Year Six students have been examining quality writers and using their techniques in their own writing. In particular they explored “Fox” by Margaret Wild, a story about friendship, trust and acceptance. Our Year 6 students wrote their own stories and added pictures to enhance their text. We hope that you enjoy these stories over the next few weeks.
Because of the terrible thunderstorms on Friday the Walk and Ride to School Day was postponed to Melbourne Cup Day on Tuesday.
We were so glad to see loads of joyful faces enjoying the day. There were so many bikes that our bike shed was overflowing!
There were 123 bike riders and a massive 256 students that walked to school, but sadly 144 students came in cars.
Congratulations to F4 and B7 who had the least amount of people who got a car ride to school. Overall 73% of all our school were active travellers. This was lower than our usual amount.
We think walking and riding to school is super important because it keeps you fit and healthy.
Now that the weather is finally improving we would love to see more people being active and walking or riding to school with friends.
By Zoe, Ellie and Blair, Year 5 students
In lieu of many missed inter-school sporting competitions we have begun our Year 6 Optional House Cup! Each Monday and some Fridays we are offering the Year 6 students the opportunity to play some competitive sport to earn their House Colour some points, working towards an overall winner to be announced at one of the final assemblies.
Last Friday we played Indoor Soccer with mixed teams. Mr McMillan umpired the match which was nil-all until the final 2 minutes of the game when Yellow House scored a goal! There was a lot of sweat and even more laughter from our Year 6 students, who enjoyed the chance to play some sport with a competitive edge! Yellow house came away with the win, earning them 4 points, Red House gained 3 points and Blue and Green House Team members gained 2 points.

Today there will be two Basketball matches played and another sport again this coming Friday! Keep an eye on the accumulative tally on the Sports Notice board to see which House Colour is getting closer to winning the Cup!
Mrs Emily Lloyd
Parents of Year 4 students in 2022 are required to indicated their requirements for their child in relation to a Chrombebook device. Please read the attached form by Friday 12th November and indicate your requirements.
Thank you.
To all families that park and collect children from Queens Road, a reminder that the vacant land adjacant to the creek IS PRIVATE PROPERTY and we ask school families to please NOT park there while waiting for your children to be collected.
Please remember the Aquazone car park is available as well as along Queens Road.
Urgent Help Needed
We require a volunteer to assist in the canteen on Thursday 18th November. If you have a Working with Children Check and have received your COVID vaccinations, please contact the school office if you can assist.
Volunteers Needed
We rely on our volunteers and are also in need of more parents to assist. Canteen can only run 5 days a week if we have sufficient volunteers. Can you help?
Training is arranged by our Canteen Co-ordinator Tanya Hughes. Please consider volunteering, even if only once per term, all help most appreciated.
In 2018 father and son combo, Roger and Corey Mifsud shore 1542 sheep in 24hrs to raise funds and awareness for Muscular Dystrophy. Through the amazing generosity of people and businesses, the duo were able to raise $45,000 which was shared between The Gillin Boy’s Foundation and Save Our Sons Duchenne Foundation.
This year, with the addition of Brody (also Roger’s son) they are set to lift the bar and are shearing for another cause close to their hearts. Corey's 4 year old son, Levi is Autistic and has ADHD. So, the trio have decided to focus on raising funds for The Merri River School (Warrnambool) and The Stawell Special School for the purchase of additional educational equipment and to support the fantastic programs that Mpower facilitate for those caring for children with special needs.
We are running a Colouring Competition, please collect from the school office. A random selection of entries will be displayed at the event along with the winning entries. Winner’s families will be notified prior to the day, so they may attend free of charge to be presented with their prizes. Prizes will be posted to the winners if they are unable to attend.
Entries Due: Friday 3rd December 2021
Location: Warrnambool Showgrounds Office,
Families may drop into the mail slot or post to PO Box 503