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Jim Guinan, Interim Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and the wider St. Joseph’s Primary School Community,
Covid Guideline Update
On Thursday of last week, we received the latest School Operations Guide, which schools are directed by in relation to complying with the most up to date COVID guidelines.
As a part of the current regulations we are still limited by the 1000 members onsite, which does include all staff and students. This therefore does mean that we can permit parents on school grounds ONLY but within the buildings. Once parents enter the buildings/classrooms we must implement the density limits of 1 person per 2 sqm.
Effectively this means we still cannot have parents at assembly or as classroom helpers in the classrooms until further advice is received as it will be impossible for us to meet these limits.
Parents are permitted to attend the Whole School Cross Country this Wednesday 5th May but need to remain outside and not enter any school buildings.
At this stage, Term 2 Parent/Teacher interviews on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd June can still go ahead as these are after school hours, and will only have the teacher and parents concerned, allowing us to comply with density limits.
Our Mother’s Day stall which was held today and Pizza Day on Thursday 27th May can also still go ahead with some restrictions on volunteer duties.
National Sorry Day
The St. Joseph's Primary School Community has been invited to contribute to a commemorative display for National Sorry Day on Wednesday 26th May, 2021.
If you would like to contribute to the display of artificial/craft purple flowers, as a family, they would be most welcome Children will be asked as part of some art classes to make and design purple flowers. Contributions can be left at school before Friday 21st May or hand delivered to the Warrnambool library.
Wipe Out Waste
Wipe Out Waste is coming to St Joseph's. Keep your eyes open for further information about this initiative in future newsletters.
General Reminders
May Race Carnival is such a great community event. Let’s hope the weather holds and we stay safe while we enjoy this iconic event in our town.
Remember Thursday 6th May is a local public holiday at St Joseph’s, while Friday is a pupil free day while staff work with members of the Catholic Education Office Religious Education team and Father Barry Ryan, to improve the delivery of Religious Education at St Joseph’s.
Remembering NAPLAN takes place during next week Tuesday 11th – Thursday 13th May. If students are absent during these days they can be made up on the Friday.
Students had a great day celebrating with Andrew Chinn last Friday. Each class was entertained by Andrew as he sang contemporary songs with a Religious Education theme.
Jim Guinan, Interim Principal.
Happy Birthday to children celebrating their birthday this week.
Charlie Bellman, Leo Di Cesare, Jed Lilley, Eleanor Goodfield, Amy McGorm and Lewis Austin.
We wish all our Mothers a special Mother's Day
The Mother's Day Stall was held at school today for children who had purchased a gift through CDFPay. Hopefully your child has carefully hidden this special gift to share on Mother's Day this Sunday.
Mothers Day Stall
We still have some gifts available for sale. If children wish to purchase a gift for their mother, grandmother or special friend they can bring $5 to school on Tuesday 4th May where they can purchase a gift at recess time.

Congratulations to the winners of our Mother's Day Raffle.
1. Chloe Vu
2. Tracie Gleisner
3. Kath Hope
4. Mackenzie Davies
5. Noah Roberts
6. Mason Murrell
Cross Country Update and Program
We are looking forward to this Wednesday’s Cross Country and the students have been busy preparing for this event during PE lessons and with their classroom teachers. Below is a timetable for the day. Parents who are willing to be marshals around the course would be greatly appreciated and will need to report to the Office on arrival.
The top 6 students in the 10yr old, 11 yr old and 12/13 yr old groups ONLY can progress to the District competition. (Unless select students have proven exceptional times previously recorded in long distance athletics’ trials.) Students can come dressed in their Sports Uniform next Wednesday 5th May.
These times are a guide only. If weather permits we will stick to these as closely as possible.
These decisions will be made outside on the course and the office will not be able to assist with updated times on the day sorry.
Marshall time |
Timetable |
9:05am - 9:15am |
Foundation boys/girls - Oval lap |
9:30am - 9:40am |
Year 1 boys/girls - 1km |
10:00am - 10:10am |
Year 2 boys/girls - 1km |
10:30am - 10:40am |
8/9yo boys/girls - 1km |
11:35am - 11:45am |
10yo boys/girls - 2km |
12:15pm - 12:25pm |
11yo boys/girls - 3km |
1:00pm - 1:05pm |
12yo boys/girls - 3km |
2:45pm |
House Trophy presented |
Division Athletics
Congratulations to the 17 athletes who have qualified for the Regional Athletics Finals. A wonderful achievement to have advanced to this level. They will compete this Friday 7th May at Brauerander Park. We wish them all the best on the day!
Michael Lougheed |
Isla Dixon |
Casey Carlin |
Tahlia Vesey |
Clara Kenna |
Molly McNeil |
Hannah McMeel |
Bella Telford |
Daisy Martin |
Toby Hellesey |
Mia Robinson |
Abbey O’Keefe |
Ethan Alexander |
Blake Wood |
Eamon Cottee |
Zeta Kane |
Gano Akoch |
State Swimming Championships
We would like to congratulate our Freestyle Relay swimmers for the supreme effort in finishing 6th in the State! Mr Gray thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the support crew that cheered the girls on at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre on Monday 26th April. The Year 6 students were thrilled to also make up the support crew with the thanks to modern technology and the Live Streaming of their race. Congratulations girls!
District Golf Trials
The registration for those students interested in trialing for the upcoming Golf Team closes today. Mrs Saywell will continue the trials this afternoon where she will choose the final students to represent our school on Friday 14th May. The team will have a training session on Monday 10th May.
Year 5/6 Winter Sports trials this week
Those students who chose Netball as their first preference will commence their trials this week and are allowed to wear their sports uniform in order to attend these sessions with myself and Mrs McIntyre-Hand. We have the difficult task of only choosing 10 students to play on Thursday 3rd June. Tee-Ball trials will also commence this week and Footy/Soccer trials will start next week. Students can continue to look at the Sports Noticeboard in the Hall for Training dates and on the daily memo visible on Simon.
Alternatively, they can contact us at
Mrs Emily Lloyd (Physical Education & Sport Co-ordinator)
Mr Matthew McMillan.
Wednesday 5th May is Kodomo no hi (Children’s Day) in Japan. It used to be called Tango no Sekku and was a festival for boys. It is still a special day for boys, but since World War 2 it has been a national holiday for all children. On the day, families in Japan erect a tall bamboo or wooden pole outside their houses and hang Koinobori (Koi fish shaped streamers). The carp was chosen as a symbol for boys because of its courage and strength to swim the current. This is the hope that children will grow up healthy and strong.
Deguchi Sensei
Teacher of Japanese
St Joseph's Primary School supports the Aussie Bread Tag for Wheelchairs Project.
We encourage every family (and extended family members) to collect their plastic bread tags and drop them into the collection jars in every classroom or place them in the tub at the sign-in desk.
We take our tags to Baker's Delight (CBD) which are then sent to Robe, SA for recycling.
The recycled tags raise funds to buy wheelchairs for disadvantaged people in South Africa.
We have collected 6.8kg of bread tags since the start of the year!
Volunteers Needed Urgently
We rely on our volunteers and are also in need of more parents to assist. Canteen can only run 5 days a week if we have sufficient volunteers. Can you help?
Training is arranged by our Canteen Co-ordinator Tania Hughes. Please consider volunteering, even if only once per term, all help most appreciated.
Volunteers Required
The PSA have a small team of volunteers lead by Mel Addinsall and are in need of a couple more helpers on the day. Volunteers arrive around 12:45 and are finished by 1:45 and assist with sorting the pizzas and getting them out to the classrooms.
Contact the school office if you are able to assist.