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Jim Guinan, Interim Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students and the wider St. Joseph’s Primary School Community,
NAPLAN is a national assessment plan that normally takes place each year. It is designed to assess students in Grade 3 and 5 in Reading, Mathematics, Grammar, Punctuation and Writing.
It is scheduled to take place this year on 11th, 12th and 13th May. All students in Grade 3 and 5 attending school on those days will complete the supervised test unless school is notified that you do not want your child to participate. Please contact the office by Friday 7th May if you have any concerns re NAPLAN.
Jim Guinan, Interim Principal.
Happy Birthday to children celebrating their birthday this week.
Alexia Hernan, Bella Reid, Nicholas Mugavin, Lenny Buckle, Isaac Duncan, Bella Telford, Eva Madigan, Jessica Happ, Henry Lloyd, Mason McArthur and Patrick Ralaston.
This Term has got off to a wonderful start with our 12/13yr Girls Freestyle Relay team finishing in the top 8 swimmers in the state and smashing their personal best time to get there. A big thank you to Mr Gray for attending this event on behalf of the school and to the parents for making the long journey to Melbourne for the race. Well done!
Division Athletics
Last week we listed the 17 students who will be representing our District at the Division Athletics Carnival on Friday 7th May. There will be practice during lunchtime today and Thursday for individual events and the relay will practice on Tuesdays, for those interested. Students are permitted to come to school in their School Sports Uniform on these days.
Winter Sports – Football, Netball, Tee Ball and Soccer (Years 5 and 6)
Children in Year 5 and 6 were sent home with a note last Friday with preferences for winter sports. Please ensure that your child chooses their preferences carefully. These preferences will be used to organise tryouts and practice sessions in the coming weeks. Please return these to your Classroom Teacher by Wednesday 28th April.
Cross Country
The school cross country will be held on Wednesday 5th May 2021. Please fill in the following form if you are able to help out with marshalling an event on the day.
This annual event will take place around our school grounds incorporating a 1km, 2km and 3km course. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated on the day. Each helper will be required for 8:45am - 11am (Foundation - Year 3) or 11:20am - 1:30pm. (10 year olds - 12/13 Year olds.)
All students are being encouraged during our P.E lessons to participate in the School House Cross-Country as it teaches us both mental strength and physical endurance. The students will be training for this and learning how to run the long distance. (It might be a good idea to send a spare pair of socks to school with your child on their PE day, as we might run on wet grass!)
Basketball and Touch Football Clinics
These clinics will be occurring later in this term and early in Term 3.
Golf Tryouts
Mrs Joel Saywell will be assisting us at lunchtime on Mondays, in selecting students from Years 3 - 6 to represent us at the upcoming District Golf competition on Friday 14th May.
Mrs Emily Lloyd (Physical Education and Sport Co-ordinator)
Mr Matthew McMillan.
Second term is traditionally a term where children catch various sicknesses, coughs, colds, etc. Please help each other as parents, to ensure you send children to school healthy and well.
We have been sending a larger number of children home sick during the day already this term.
Please be aware of rest periods for children after illnesses, ie remaining home 24 hours after the last vomiting episode.
Thanks for your ongoing support.
2020 Confirmation Group
Please keep the Confirmation Candidates and the parents in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. May we be models of faith for these children.
7:00pm, Thursday 29th April |
Sacrament of Confirmation |
7:00pm, Friday 30th April |
No Celebration following Mass
Unfortunately, there will not be a traditional sharing of food after the Mass.
Parents will have received an iron on Confirmation transfer for their child. The photograph below is an indication of a suggested placement of the next three Sacraments - Confirmation, Eucharist and Reconciliation.
Wear the stole with the Baptism and Diocese transfers on the right side.
A reminder that the Student and Parent Meeting for those who have registered their child for Confirmation is this Tuesday 27th April, 2021 at 7:00pm at St Josephs Church.
A change of format for this year will incorporate the children and the parents at the first session.
Please contact Leanne at St Joseph's Parish on 5562 2231 if you have any queries regarding confirmation or are unable to attend the Student and Parent Meeting.
Confirmation materials can only be collected from the Parish not the school office.
Family Groups commence next week.
Volunteers Required
The PSA have a small team of volunteers lead by Mel Addinsall and are in need of a couple more helpers on the day. Volunteers arrive around 12:45 and are finished by 1:45 and assist with sorting the pizzas and getting them out to the classrooms.
Contact the school office if you are able to assist.
Our 2nd Hand Uniform system allows for parents to puchase and sell items all year round with options to purchase online or in person (once COVID restrictions are lifted).
Items for second hand sale can now be dropped into the school office at any time of the year.
Uniform items MUST be:
- current uniform items only
- very good to excellent quality
- washed and free of stains
- have any naming labels crossed out
- labelled with either the printable Pricing Label template or similar.
Items that are NOT suitable are:
- school bags more than 2 years old
- library/book bags
- stained or torn clothing
- non-current school uniform
- sports shorts without the school logo
- shoes
- secondary school uniform items.
Unsuitable items will be returned to the seller/donator.
Pricing of Uniform Items
Price uniform items accordingly and receive 70% of the amount (when the item is sold) with 30% of your sale going to the school’s PSA.
Items are kept in the second hand uniform shop until they are sold. We will notify via text of any monies to be collected, this may be after a family has left the school.
Alternatively you can donate items to be sold. We will label and price donated items. 100% of these sales go to the school's PSA.
Refer to suggested pricing guide linked below.
Purchasing of Uniform Items
Parents are able to complete an online form indicating the uniform item and size required and it will then be sent home with your child or made available for collection.
Payment to be made in cash the following day. Items can be returned if they aren't the correct size or quality.
Monday 3rd May 2021
To celebrate Mother’s Day our PSA provides a Mother’s Day Stall. Penny Walsh from the PSA organises a wide variety of gifts ranging from Candles, Mugs, Gardening Tools, Photo Frames and novelty items. Children then attend the stall and select a gift that they know their mothers or special person will love.
Gifts are $5.00 per student. Orders are now open via CDFpay (online ordering system) and will remain open to just prior to the stall.
The stall will be held at school during the day on Monday 3rd May 2021.
Tickets are onsale in the school foyer for our Mother's Day Raffle. There are 6 beautiful hampers to be won.
Drawn at an assembly prior to Mother's Day.
Term 2 Roster
We rely on our volunteers and are also in need of more parents to assist. Training is arranged by our Canteen Co-ordinator Tania Hughes. Please consider volunteering, even if only once per term, all help most appreciated.
A reminder that children are still required to wear their hats at school whilst outside at recess, lunch and sport.
All children will require hats in Term 2 until 1st May.
No Hat = No Play.
Children without hats will have to stay in the undercover area during lunch and recess. There will be no "grace period".